On this post, I will walk you through a quick description on how to apply for residency in Valencia, Spain. I assume you have been thinking for a while about living in Valencia, and have come to the conclusion that Valencia is a great place to live. Well, you’re not wrong there! Valencia is an AWESOME place to live and it’s particularly popular with young families.
Of course, with any overseas relocation, you have to deal with the legal stuff. Applying for a residency in Valencia one is the first thing to tick off that list. The exact requirements for individuals will depend on your status. For example:
- If you’re self-employed (autónomo)
- A family
- If you have a partner who does not work and dependants
Nevertheless, the information below will give you a general guide on what you will require to obtain a residency here in Valencia, Spain.
You have 2 options:
- Do all the paperwork yourself
- You can hire a gestor to help you prepare all the documents that you need.
If you are reasonably good at understanding the Spanish language then the DIY route is cheaper. However, if your Spanish is limited or non-existent; then I would suggest hiring a gestor who can help you through administrative Spanish bureaucracy. They will help you gather the correct documents, translations and making sure that all paperwork is correct before application.
How To Apply For Residency In Valencia, Spain
- Form EX18 – this is the application form that you must fill in to apply for residency in Valencia. You can download the form via this link.
- Tax form 790 – This form needs to be filled in online and taken to a bank to be signed and paid. This document will contain your bank account details and the amount of money you have with them. The cost of this is around €12.00.
- Padron Certificate – this is a document that is obtained from your local council (ayuntamiento). The document is proof of where you live and who you live with.
- Bank statements with proof of regular income around €1200 per month and a positive balance between €12,000 and €15,000. The applicant’s name has to be included as titular of the account and the document has to be stamped by the bank.
- Spanish private healthcare insurance. The clauses of hospitalisation and ambulatory medicine need to be included too.
- Birth certificate: if the certificate is British must be with the apostille and the Sworn translation.
- Original passports.
*Information provided by http://www.swanpartners.es/ March 2019
What Is An Apostille?
An apostille is a legalised document provided by the Legalisation Office UK. The office confirms that the signature, stamp or seal is from a UK public official. Their job is to check the document including whether the signature, stamp or seal is genuine. They’ll legalise the document by attaching a stamped official certificate (an ‘apostille’) to it.
Documents that are required to be apostille are birth and marriage certificates. When we applied for our residencia, it was required that our marriage certificate was not older than three months old. This is to prove that we are still married to each other. I had to contact the registry office back in the UK, to request a copy of our marriage certificate, which was then sent to the Legislation Office UK to be Sworn.
What Is A Sworn Translation?
In Spanish law, foreign documents that are included in your residency application must be translated by an official and authorised sworn interpreters (sworn translators). They must be appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are the only one allowed to translate all kinds of legal documents. If you are working with a gestor, they are more than likely to recommend a sworn translator for you.
If you are going through the DIY route, then you should remember to ALWAYS ask the interpreter for his/her Interpreter ID to check that they are duly appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Book An Appointment
Once you have gathered all your documents, you will need to book an appointment at the police station in Valencia. Please note that because of the uncertainty of Brexit, there has been a flood of applications and there is about a 2-month wait.
*** This post is intended as a guide. It is based on my personal experience and should not be considered as professional and legal advice. You should seek appropriate advice for your situation. Also take into consideration that because of Brexit, laws are constantly changing in Spain. Seek legal advice from a professional to see what your requirements will be at the time of application. ***